
Spread Aloha To The World was started by Dinh and Rachel Nguyen. The purpose and mission is to promote education and health and provide direct relief to the poor and afflicted.

Dinh has worked in public service and humanitarian non profit work for over 20 years and is a former US Navy military police officer during Iraq and Afghanistan wars. He is also a retired police officer from California, and is currently active military reservist for California State Army Guard as a military liaison officer during times of emergencies and disasters.

Rachel grew up in southern Minnesota. She is a Registered Nurse and avid traveler. She has volunteered in places such as Nepal, Guatemala and Nicaragua. She has worked as a traveling nurse for over 10 years, specializing in cardiology and emergency medicine.

Together they founded Spread Aloha to the World, which is a nonprofit organization with an IRS 501c(3) tax status. They are currently serving missions in Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and the Philippines.

In search of the perfect wave, Dinh found Nicaragua. At the same time, he stumbled upon a community that was in desperate need of elements for basic living.

The Nicaragua mission is located on the Pacific coast, approximately 1.5 hours from the international airport in Managua.

The surf in Nicaragua is phenomenal. It’s consistent and uncrowded, and it just so happens to be in an area of the world where locals are in dire need of basic components of human survival. Nicaragua is the second poorest country in North and South America combined.

This country is recovering from a war that ended in the near distant past of only 1989. The revolution left the country crippled and struggling to regain itself. Being in Nicaragua is like going back in time. They have a long way to go, but we hope to help them out with that endeavor.

The Oath For Compassionate Service
1 Never do for the poor what they have (or could have) the capacity to do for themselves.
2 Limit one-way giving to emergency situations.
3 Strive to empower the poor through employment, lending, and investing, using grants sparingly to reinforce achievements.
4 Subordinate self-interests to the needs of those being served.
5 Listen closely to those you seek to help, especially to what is not being said-unspoken feelings may contain essential clues to effective service.
6 Above all, do no harm.